Founded in 1978 and based in Denver, Grease Monkey has grown to more than 475 centers internationally, with operations in the United States, Mexico, China, Colombia, and Saudi Arabia. During my employment, we opened or rebranded 200 new locations, doubling our locations. During that time, we ran two primary campaigns.
The first company goal was to increase the average ticket price. With creative I focused on quick quality service and additional services. This was our “Less time here, and more time here” campaign. Imagery focused on a pie chart representing life; a small portion was car care.
The second focused on car count. I assisted in reaching our goals by using creative focusing on friends and family. This push also included inflatable dancers and employees with spinner signs at a store level.
Not only did I work on customer-facing products, but I also worked on internal documents. This included our brand guidelines, how-to manual, and other internal documents. As FullSpeed Automotives only creative. I worked with multiple agencies to complete company goals. Including but not limited to Two x Four, Fortnight Creative, and Lincon.
This position also included the opportunity to help brand three automotive conventions, one being a digital event.

About FullSpeed Automotive
FSA is the parent company of Grease Monkey. FullSpeed Automotive owns 19 different automotive brands across the world. My work focused on FSA’s most extensive three operations Grease Monkey, SpeeDee, and Kwik Kar.